Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Strategy

Key areas of the Sustainability Strategy of TORPOL Capitol Group for the years 2025-2030


The Sustainability Strategy of TORPOL Capitol Group for the years 2025-2030 is a key plan that defines the most important directions and goals related to the sustainable development of the entire Group. The document indicates what actions are necessary to effectively achieve these goals and presents the most important assumptions of the strategy, taking into account the plans of both TORPOL S.A. and its subsidiary Torpol Oil&Gas Sp. z o.o.

Mission: Providing services at the highest level to meet the requirements of our customers continuing to maintain a stable market position and distinguishing ourselves by sustainable business development, providing shareholders with the expected value.

Vision: We are committed to operational and technological development in order to strengthen our image as a reliable, socially responsible partner for all shareholders in every sphere of our business, operating in accordance with the principles of law and ethics and sustainable development.


  1. Safety
  2. Professionalism
  3. Responsibility

TORPOL Group’s ESG strategic objectives are based on three pillars of sustainability:

  • Environment: Minimizing carbon footprint, resource efficiency, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation,
  • Society: Equality, diversity, social inclusion, employee health and safety, community involvement,
  • Governance: Transparency, integrity, responsible management, ethical business practices, corruption prevention.

Objectives and KPIs of the TORPOL Group’s sustainable development strategy

Ecosystem Restoration

Business objectives:

▪ Participation in green transformation

▪ Strengthening market position

Specific objectives:

1.1. The minimization of negative impacts on the environment and climate
1.2. The minimization of negative impacts on biodiversity
1.3. The implementation of closed-loop economy measures

People and Partnership

Business objectives:

▪ Retaining close cooperation with Municipalities and Local Governments

▪ Development of competencies

▪ Strengthening market position

Specific objectives:

2.1. Maintaining the highest standards of occupational health and safety
2.2. Providing employees with satisfactory working conditions
2.3. The minimization of negative impacts on local communities

Confidence in Action

Business objectives:

▪  Development of competencies

▪  Strengthening market position

Specific objectives:

3.1. Maintaining the highest standards of organizational culture
3.2. Development of digital tools
3.3. Expanding and updating the Risk Management Policy
3.4. Ensuring regulatory compliance for services provided