Charity spinning marathon
The idea of organizing a charity came about among the employees of Torpol, who are also the members of the Torpol Racing Team – a team of mountain biking enthusiasts. The charity event involved participation in a three hour spinning marathon with experienced trainers by a group of employees of the Company. Each participant paid the entry fee, and the Company undertook to transfer PLN 1 for every marathon minute made by each participant. All of the collected funds will be donated to the Wielkopolska Association of Palliative Care Volunteers “Hospicjum Domowe” based in Poznań. This hospice aims at helping terminally ill children and adults in the last period of their lives.
A total of over 30 people took part in the marathon, who rode a minimum of 1 hour depending on their level of advancement, followed by a change on the stands. The most advanced cyclists spent a full three hours cycling! Throughout the marathon, all 19 stands were fully utilized, and each participant got off the bike satisfied.
Thanks to the involvement of the employees and the support of the Company, the event was a complete success. A total of over PLN 5 000 was collected during the course of the marathon. This beautiful gesture of our employees shows that an active way of spending free time can also provide a great amount of satisfaction when helping those in need.
Congratulations to the originators of the event and an enormous thank you to all the participants. We are looking forward to further initiatives of this type, which we are going to support and promote.
More information about Torpol Racing Team can be found on the dedicated FB website.