We are helping flood victims

We are helping flood victims

In solidarity with the victims of the flood that hit the southwestern part of our country, TORPOL S.A. has transferred a donation of money in the total amount of PLN 300,000 to be used to help the victims of this dramatic event. The money was donated to the accounts of campaigns organized by POLSKI CZERWONY KRZYŻ [POLISH RED CROSS] and CARITAS POLSKA. The funds collected through the ongoing campaigns are intended, among other things, to supply those in need with food and all the means necessary for their functioning, as well as to purchase equipment for cleaning and drying the destroyed houses and facilities.

In the face of the enormous tragedy that faced people who lost their entire life’s possessions in an instant, one should always react. Solidarity and support is the most important thing at the moment, which is why we have decided to donate funds to help the flood victims, – commented Konrad Tuliński, the President of TORPOL S.A. – As a socially responsible company, we want to bring help first and foremost where it is needed the most. I would also like to thank all of our employees who privately support and have supported actions organized to help the flood victims – you are all role models.

Current information on collections organized by the Polish Red Cross and CARITAS can be found at https://pck.pl/naratunekpowodz/ and https://caritas.pl/powodz/ – we warmly encourage you to support them, as every bit of help counts!